
Adding Quilt to RestApi!
With this guide, you will be able to integrate Quilt with RestApi to reach a wider audience with your mod.
Keep in mind that we will require the Quilt QSL library.
Published on: 22/11/2023
What do we need?
As mentioned in the first post about RestApi, you will need a code editor, the two necessary plugins for the code editor (or a project template), integrated RestApi, and an already created project.
If you don't know how to do all this, you can read this post to prepare your mod.
Creating the Files
First, in the main folder of your project, you will need to create a folder called quilt. Inside the quilt folder, add another folder called src. Inside src, create a folder named main, and within main, create two more folders: one called java and another called resources.
Inside the java folder, you'll need to add several nested folders. The names and quantity will depend on how you have configured your project, so I recommend looking at the common, src, java folders and observing the structure they follow. In the end, you'll need to create a folder called quilt and inside it, a script. I recommend ending the name with Quilt to make it easier to differentiate.
Inside the resources folder, you only need to add a file named quilt.mod.json.

Now, we will add two files inside the quilt folder, build.gradle and gradle.properties.
Configuration and Programming of Files
Now it's time to program the files to integrate Quilt.
First, navigate to the main folder of your project and open settings.gradle. In that file, you'll need to put the following exactly as shown:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "https://maven.fabricmc.net/" }
maven { url "https://maven.architectury.dev/" }
maven { url "https://maven.minecraftforge.net/" }
Now, go to the quilt folder created earlier and edit build.gradle. It should look something like this:
plugins {
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "7.1.2"
repositories {
maven { url "https://maven.quiltmc.org/repository/release/" }
architectury {
loom {
accessWidenerPath = project(":common").loom.accessWidenerPath
configurations {
shadowCommon // Don't use shadow from the shadow plugin because we don't want IDEA to index this.
compileClasspath.extendsFrom common
runtimeClasspath.extendsFrom common
developmentQuilt.extendsFrom common
dependencies {
modImplementation "org.quiltmc:quilt-loader:${rootProject.quilt_loader_version}"
modApi "org.quiltmc.quilted-fabric-api:quilted-fabric-api:${rootProject.quilt_fabric_api_version}"
// Remove the next few lines if you don't want to depend on the API
modApi("dev.architectury:architectury-fabric:${rootProject.architectury_version}") {
// We must not pull Fabric Loader from Architectury Fabric
exclude group: "net.fabricmc"
exclude group: "net.fabricmc.fabric-api"
common(project(path: ":common", configuration: "namedElements")) { transitive false }
shadowCommon(project(path: ":common", configuration: "transformProductionQuilt")) { transitive false }
processResources {
inputs.property "group", rootProject.maven_group
inputs.property "version", project.version
filesMatching("quilt.mod.json") {
expand "group": rootProject.maven_group,
"version": project.version
shadowJar {
exclude "architectury.common.json"
configurations = [project.configurations.shadowCommon]
remapJar {
injectAccessWidener = true
inputFile.set shadowJar.archiveFile
dependsOn shadowJar
jar {
sourcesJar {
def commonSources = project(":common").sourcesJar
dependsOn commonSources
from commonSources.archiveFile.map { zipTree(it) }
components.java {
withVariantsFromConfiguration(project.configurations.shadowRuntimeElements) {
Also, edit the gradle.properties file to look like this:
Now, go to quilt.mod.json, located in quilt/resources, and it should be similar to this:
"schema_version": 1,
"quilt_loader": {
"group": "${group}",
"id": "slimeboots",
"version": "${version}",
"metadata": {
"name": "Slime boots",
"description": "",
"contributors": {},
"contact": {},
"icon": "icon.png"
"intermediate_mappings": "net.fabricmc:intermediary",
"entrypoints": {
"init": [
"depends": [
"id": "quilt_loader",
"versions": ">=0.18.10"
"id": "quilted_fabric_api",
"versions": ">=4.0.0"
"id": "minecraft",
"versions": "=1.19.3"
"id": "architectury",
"version": ">=7.1.86"
"id": "architectury",
"version": ">=7.1.86"
"id": "restapi",
"version": "=0.10-1.19.3-quilt"
In quilt.mod.json, you'll need to change the parameters id, name, description, contributors, contact, icon, entrypoints -> init, and the versions in depends.
Now, go to the script inside the java folder. It should be like this, but you'll need to modify the names to fit your mod:
package me.restonic4.slimeboots.quilt;
import me.restonic4.slimeboots.SlimeBoots;
import org.quiltmc.loader.api.ModContainer;
import org.quiltmc.qsl.base.api.entrypoint.ModInitializer;
public class SlimeBootsQuilt implements ModInitializer {
public void onInitialize(ModContainer mod) {
With this, we finish with the quilt folder. Now, there's only one more file left, and everything will be ready.
Finally, go to common and then to build.gradle. You'll need to edit the file and include quilt in a function:
architectury {
common("fabric", "forge", "quilt")//Add quilt here, you will see fabric and forge by default.
And with this, you have Quilt configured with your project and with RestApi. I hope this post has been helpful!
Here is the documentation in case it helps you when using our API.