CriterionTrigger registry.

What is this?

The CriterionTriggers will allow you to control the advancements in your mod with the class RestAdvancement. You can create a CriterionTrigger for any advancement, so you can check if the player has the advancement or not. Additionally, you can grant the advancement to the player.

Creating a registry. 0.10>

In order to register criterion triggers you will have to create a registry. To do this, you must use the following code within the init() function:

//This is the init() inside your main class.
public static void init() {
    //Here we create the registry so we can use it later.

Creating a CriterionTrigger. 0.10>

In order to register criterion triggers you will have to create a registry, then the following:

//This is another separate class from the initial one. I recommend you do this for organization.
public class AdvancementTriggerManager {
    //Here we create the criterion trigger.
    public static final RestAdvancement advancementTrigger = CriterionTriggerRegistry.CreateAdvancementTrigger(YourModId, YourAdvancementId);

            - YourModId = Your mod id as string.
            - YourAdvancementId = Your advancement's id as string.

    //You can create a method/function like this to call it from the main class.
    public static void register() {
        //This registers all of your criterion triggers into minecraft.

Grant an advancement. 0.10>

To do this, you can do this:

//Here we have your CriterionTrigger.
public static final RestAdvancement advancementTrigger = CriterionTriggerRegistry.CreateAdvancementTrigger(YourModId, YourAdvancementId);

public static void yourMethod() {
    //serverPlayer = A player in the server-side, using the ServerPlayer class.

Check an advancement. 0.10>

To do this, you can do this:

//Here we have your CriterionTrigger.
public static final RestAdvancement advancementTrigger = CriterionTriggerRegistry.CreateAdvancementTrigger(YourModId, YourAdvancementId);

public static void yourMethod() {
    //serverPlayer = A player in the server-side, using the ServerPlayer class.
    if (advancementTrigger.hasAdvancement(serverPlayer)) {